Why is this now?
66. Until now, those inside me have developed my ability to speak verbally in collinearity. Initially, the distance between these collinearities or inversions was large, large, and long. Eventually, the collinearity reached a very close position between the two parallel lines. Now, they’re forming a very small angle by connecting and tying the one-sided ends of this collinearity to better convey that those inside me are learning to speak. Under a long collinear or vector opposite direction at a small angle, the sound of the choked air or sound wire between the continuous lines eventually emerges from the speaker, between the sides of the corner, as the angle expands along the arc. Those inside me think of it as "the real voices we create." In fact, they are still helpless in this regard, with the repetition of words in words and the spoken tone of words only in obedience to preconceived protocols, protocols, or inversions of orders given to me. They are simply hinting at som...