I don't care what happens now
58 or 30.10.2021. There are 2 days left to 60 today, which means 60 or so. If 3-year-old Abraham exists or exists, I consider him to be simply a Goth or a Be, who has shaped my future. As soon as I become a Goth, I want to live in the form of a fully automatic, coded or robotic printing function. This means that all my situational movements and actions, as well as the change of my speech to Sanskrit, have been identified and recorded. Of the 10 values in the new room unit, one, two, and 3 forward and backward units, or front room units, in decimals or hundreds, etc., are the most important. So 2 days before 60 is the 60’s who is approaching 60, and 1 day before is 2 days ahead of the relationship, but the defeat is a mockery or a joke of fate, the opposite side of the circle of destiny now. The 57th day as it was 3 days ago is more winning than the 2 day 1 day, which is the winning side of the columnist mockery. Numbers 1 and 2, 3 above 60, 61, 62 and 63 are interpreted as the o...