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45. Today is a rainy day on our side


45. Today is a rainy day on our side.  Rain is for girls under the age of 20, or thought.  Thought is a set of thoughts (fikrlar) or thoughts, vertical rain lines, which are inverted to each of the lines.  If there is, it is young guys, or the ability to speak real.  An entity has the ability to speak realistically by appearance or surface.  Those who explain in words that this is after the Being are you and the Being, or in the tongues you know, who are able to speak containing a wide world, from thought to thought.  In fact, while the secular languages ​​still exist are still alive, those who can speak them speak them in Sanskrit or in a dead language, without deviating from the commands that lead to it in Existence.  On a rainy day, all the people go into a house full of walls and rocks, it's a boy.  My difference from your Sanskrits is that I can explain that the Sanskrit conversation is going in parallel to these, from now on, in the past of the future.  I myself do not act or speak as commands, but I can also translate commands into prophecy.



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