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Meaning of the numbers, accounts

 Tomorrow 55. Each of the two fives means angels.  The relativity of this day, 10 this - includes all the accounts, the accounts. Òn in uzbek means ònglanish in uzbek, correction in english, ten in english means tenglashish in uzbek, equation in english. Numbers are the calculation of the representation of all fronts, infinite types.  The following is a summary of all the figures as individual accounts:

  Number 1 as a separate account: boys under 20, existence, auditory perception, self-creation of word forms, impulses of "Absence" or suspended motion when suspended, the contradiction of the present, inversion of action and thought and intuition, diligence.

  Number 2 calculation: 40-year-old middle-aged men between the ages of 20 and 60, human flesh, visual acuity, speaking by mixing word forms with half-creation and half-worldly power, an equal mixture of "Gots" and "Nongots" ("Not"),  (future contradictions), inversion of natural phenomena, and inversion of intuitive prediction, (a mixture of rigidity and diligence).

  Number 3: Older men between the ages of 60 and 80, human skin, the sensation of touching the skin, saying words (forms) in Sanskrit with worldly power, "Gots" or "Being", past conflicts, being and angels and human bones  inversion, logic, solidification.

  The 2nd order part of number 3: god, the brain, its functioning is thinking, hearingless comprehension, “Being” or “Stock” thinking, the passing of the present, the inversion of being and human bone or intuition, consciousness, air, women up to 20.

  Task 4: spirit, limb, taste, deafness (hearing and "nonhearing" in English), "stock" imagination, the future, natural phenomena, the interval of thought and contemplation, the center of the prophet and middle-aged men, the inner body  members, middle-aged women.

  Task 5: angel, nose, sense of smell, inability to hear, thinking of the "Being", the very rapid passage of the human past, the universe, (inversely to the old men and all other sets of numbers (zero)), the body's total source of energy,  Women over 60.

  Account 6.  My prophecy, my body bone, my intuitive intuition, my Sanskrit-like possession, my sense of all the "Divisions" (Gots, Stock, Gotting), the movement of nature, all the universes, the enumerator, the possessor of an equal number of enumerated numerical properties.

  Account 7.  Middle-aged and older men, adults.

  8. Middle-aged and older women over 60.  Jumping sex.

  9. Boys and girls under 20, “Not” and “Beeing Not”s.

  0: The set of all the above calculated numbers.



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