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Truth of nature laws or Reverrant as one with person

 Tomorrow is 57, April 1, 2021.  Congratulations to everyone on Joke Day.  But if you only knew that what I said was true.  In this conversation, we will talk about, or rather write about, the unity of two truths.  Before that, let's look at the truth of 57.  5 are angels and 7 are middle-aged and elderly men.  7, that is, middle-aged and old men, 5 that is to say, in stark contrast to the angelic, ironic point of view, most of the truth is that the relativity of this day, 12 is constantly expressed throughout the day.  12 in Uzbek is a doubling of 10, and all countable numbers are doubled or at least doubled.  Twelve more from 20-year-olds to 20- to 60-year-old middle-aged men, shoulder-to-shoulder, are leading to the dominance of “Not”, “Ungots” as “Goths” or “Being” and “Ungots” in the norm.  Now, when it comes to the fact that the truth is actually the same as the two, in addition to the meaning of the day of jokes, 12 is also true.  Because it's called "Gotting," "Gots," or "Stock," if you know.  Living in the realm of "being", which is seen as equal, is a matter of logic, if you look closely.  If you accidentally add a task to your general work, voila, your work will be considered appropriate even when viewed from all angles.  That’s the secret of “Being,” “Gotting,” about that later.  Now, as for the unity of the two truths, let us also say that these recent statements are also unique.  Because the secret of "Gotting" belongs to the unity of two truths ... We say that through our worldview, all our work comes out of the unknown, selective, voluntary, through sensible calculations.  But in the reality of the second possible religion, it is the pre-existence of life, called the Goths.  Religion, or ‘Gots’, freely organizes all the senses and coincidences of the worldview, looking at man from the universe or the world, not from the human world.  It means that the world, or whatever you have done to the world, has the opposite effect on the direction of your influence.  There are clear enough scientific laws in nature, in the world, or in the universe to make risk or chance one with oneself.  It is not uncommon for a large circle of nature to cover man, taking into account its effects.  We, every human being, have a crumbly, particle-like significance for the gravitational pull of our planet Earth.  It means that life is "Being," Gotting.  "Stock," and for thought, imagination, and contemplation, the infinity rule of the universe can make them "Being," "Gots."  Our bodies are like the light of the stars, the random "Being", the "Goths" are now, more precisely, predestined anyway.  I always, almost every day, dream 1 or 2 times.  In these dreams I see real wide beings, beings.  In my dreams, I feel my body, its less mass and pain.  I can't fully determine who I am without looking at my body and myself, I am interrupted by being involved in other necessary events in this place.  During this break, I will continue to see myself holding on, even if it’s a jump from where I am now.  Only sometimes the nature of the revenue is the same as in computer graphics.  In one dream I saw Messi and spoke to him in English.  Messi greeted me as Bobur.  The reality of my dreams is that in the last moments of my life where destiny is, I must go to the main people in the world where I have a Reverrant as a religious nature and see the “Being” or the “Goths” by them.



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