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Let my gambling prophecies brings you delectations for nearing similar lifes inside or outside of ourselves: somehow my information will be sticked to your mind


If you don’t understand, don’t bother, read the following paragraph PS.

Spruce, spruce, spruce,

How are your leaves?

Going around,

We all sing.

The owner of these texts has enormous power. This owner is a young prophet who lives with the human body at the same time. There is no time for him because time is running out, he is considered to have stopped. The young prophet tries to unite the two worlds, the Goths and the false religious world, in time. In the first verse of the above poem, the word or means the ar syllable of the word archa. This means that his knowledge of people as individuals is sometimes insulted, and he sees it through the product of his own existence, or through the mirage of an infinite future. Verse 2 means, "I will be alone, religiously white, or worldly, and I will have to understand the length of time like a needle in a haystack." The young prophet Goth or the future of life is seen, and Ungot means that the false world feels together as a circle. This means that the young prophet will be in both places, witnessing change, but will not be able to distinguish between Goth and Ungot. In verse 4, as a great or great prophet, all but me sing to him. It means that there is a full Sanskrit in front of him, and I am not the only one. It is easy to deceive a child. In the eyes of the young prophet, if a living body, a face, is actually dead in the presence of a false religious world, then it is forgotten, lost, or organized, and the real person is seen or felt. Therefore, because of the multiplicity of these games, the young prophet is deceived into believing that he is being created according to the functioning of his mind. As for me, I have almost no idea what a real human being is doing. Until now, since I was 20 years old, I have been deceived by people who look like soldiers or good-looking people, who are supposed to exist as corpses, through their bodies or from within. It was as if the dead or the dead were no different from real life and the people in it. Someone you trust without hesitation at all. But I know that until I am 31 years old and 40 years old, the dead will not be able to isolate themselves from real people through themselves. The more the dead surround me and give me an isolated life, the more I can connect with the living. Of course, all living beings live in the same way or in videos, away from unexpected changes in the Goths or in the unique world, when the experiences of an unknown future life take place. But there is also a false religious view of these living, Gothic people. In the false religious world, or in the Ungot, the place of the Goth does not change, but the experiences of life are taken in a different way. Here I come again. Now the living real people are better able to pass on to me the false life impressions, intuitions, or external information of the Ungot, for they are, in fact, rare in Goths. Even when they meet, they may not pay attention to themselves, in a sense, they are attached to the false life around their eyes or in their character. I could feel myself in the compulsive actions of the Goths and be aware of their Gothic way of life. I could have formed my name on Goth. This name connected with my mind and led me to create the necessary events or accounts through my words from the false Ungot. My mind is only the initial location of my name or "Goth" because my name or myself comes down to numbers or perceptions in the 3rd, 2nd and 1st order, as opposed to people, to the concept. In the number 3.5, my mind is seen as a concept or people, the dead, turning back and connecting to my memory.

PS Now I make predictions. In next Saturday’s games, the Welsh team will play a draw with the Danish team or beat Denmark (1x). Italy beats Austria (1). I repeat. In next Saturday’s games, the Welsh team will play a draw with the Danish team or beat Denmark (1x). Italy beats Austria (1). In next Saturday’s games, the Welsh team will play a draw with the Danish team or beat Denmark (1x). Italy beats Austria (1). In next Saturday’s games, the Welsh team will play a draw with the Danish team or beat Denmark (1x). Italy beats Austria (1). In next Saturday’s games, the Welsh team will play a draw with the Danish team or beat Denmark (1x). Italy beats Austria (1) ... I don't gamble, I don't gamble, I don't gamble. Because on the surface of the truth, false changes may not give me money or winnings. The outcome of the game will be different.



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