
Showing posts from March, 2021
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Truth of nature laws or Reverrant as one with person

 Tomorrow is 57, April 1, 2021.  Congratulations to everyone on Joke Day.  But if you only knew that what I said was true.  In this conversation, we will talk about, or rather write about, the unity of two truths.  Before that, let's look at the truth of 57.  5 are angels and 7 are middle-aged and elderly men.  7, that is, middle-aged and old men, 5 that is to say, in stark contrast to the angelic, ironic point of view, most of the truth is that the relativity of this day, 12 is constantly expressed throughout the day.  12 in Uzbek is a doubling of 10, and all countable numbers are doubled or at least doubled.  Twelve more from 20-year-olds to 20- to 60-year-old middle-aged men, shoulder-to-shoulder, are leading to the dominance of “Not”, “Ungots” as “Goths” or “Being” and “Ungots” in the norm.  Now, when it comes to the fact that the truth is actually the same as the two, in addition to the meaning of the day of jokes, 12 is also true....

Long-term refreshment benefit

 Today 56. 5 these are the angels, 6 this is my prophecy.  The relativity of our day is the sum of these numbers 11, that is, the angel.  On this day, we feel or observe these angels again as an example of the truthfulness of the angel's contemplation in my original provision.  I am the initiator of observation, humanity observes from this means or process of observation.  The difference between myself and humanity can be explained as follows.  Humanity does not like to take into account the inverse.  They feel victorious on either side of the 2 opposites, then move on to the other and try to dominate again anyway.  But they may not know that they cannot defeat themselves twice.  Because inversion is surrounded by unity, man is considered unity by the second.  Therefore, whoever wants to defeat someone from both sides, he is in fact crushing and defeating himself when he tries to overcome himself by going to the other side.  Whoever...

Real prophesying of numbers' accounts as world languages unison

 55. Numbers called accounts have individual accounts from 1 to 6 (including 6) other than the number 3 account.  3 and 7, 8, 9 are groups of two single-digit numbers in the remaining 5 accounts.  0 is the group in which all account numbers or numeric accounts are available.  So there are 5 group numbers and 5 single digits.  The total number of digits is also 10.  The reason we are related to the number system of 10 is that in a world where God has the next digital life form, the gods begin to live with both hands.  The languages ​​of the living world, as Sanskrit, are the last in the chain of worlds of life forms, and we have preferred the one-time Gothic humanity as a force that can be distinguished in any way, in different ways, or in other words.  In Sanskrit, humanity is surrounded by a thin layer of onion skin.  But the form of life of the next emerging universe, consisting of numbers, the numbers that define the accounts, is the forem...

Meaning of the numbers, accounts

 Tomorrow 55. Each of the two fives means angels.  The relativity of this day, 10 this - includes all the accounts, the accounts. Òn in uzbek means ònglanish in uzbek, correction in english, ten in english means tenglashish in uzbek, equation in english. Numbers are the calculation of the representation of all fronts, infinite types.  The following is a summary of all the figures as individual accounts:   Number 1 as a separate account: boys under 20, existence, auditory perception, self-creation of word forms, impulses of "Absence" or suspended motion when suspended, the contradiction of the present, inversion of action and thought and intuition, diligence.   Number 2 calculation: 40-year-old middle-aged men between the ages of 20 and 60, human flesh, visual acuity, speaking by mixing word forms with half-creation and half-worldly power, an equal mixture of "Gots" and "Nongots" ("Not"),  (future contradictions), inversion of natural phenomena, a...

Mark the numbers as “Benefits” and feel your revenge itself

Today is this morning, the 54th day.  Five are the angels, those who feel the Gots as life, or the power of the actions of the "being," 4 these are the spirit, the phenomena of nature.  Today this 5 + 4 = 9, 9 is the relativity of the day.  9 of them are boys and girls under 20 years old.  Our goal is to find the expressions of such numbers in the vital parts, knowing the agenda numbers.  In Uzbek, "raqam" means "raq" or "raqs", in English dance, am or ampere, god, and the dance of the god.  He who knows this is able to prophesy by knowing God better than himself.  Or numbers are the relative or nominal, paradox of all Sanskrit state languages ​​in the modern world.  These languages, which seem to be Sanskrit, voluntarily represent "Being," "Gots."  If we can determine the expression of numbers, we can also predict the Goths and the sentences in which the power of Sanskrit sounds is self-evident.  It should be noted that Sansk...

My first

 53. It is raining again today.  3 times without stopping.  If rain is a god, then the number 3 also means 5, or an angel, which is the inverse of both 3's because it is also a god.  However, I wrote today's 53rd in my blog post last night.  53 and its relativity, the fact that 8 is my State (angel), world (Allah) and district (ghost, spirit) and our country (angels), it is already known that rain is also the largest-scale phenomenon in my existence.  I’m also wondering what to do with “Gotting” and “Ungotting” or “Absence”.  As an example, I can say “ungotting” to some labor process.  In Uzbek, the Sanskrit word for mehnat, the English word for labor, is meh or nail, line, no, nat or not, and the absence of both means "not even", and the absence is no more at all.  In the disappearance of time that is not in the "gotting" and "ungotting" or "non-gothing" section, we enter into our understanding of the Benefit through the proper practical...

Angels, God, spirit(s) and angels

 Tomorrow is 53.  5 or angel, 3 or god.  3 is also an ancestor, but the only number in the back is greater than 3, and 5 indicates the divinity of 3.  The original, transient, or multiplicative truth of this day is the sum of these numbers, 8 or, spirits and angels.  Speaking for ourselves, tomorrow we will feel the spirit and angelic truth that is derived from the righteousness of God, through the angelic self.  When I first started posting to Blogspot on March 22, 2021, there were 3 days left until March 25, when my mom would turn 64 years old.  3 this is not counted, 4 of 64 is counted as joining grandmotherhood, old age, angels after 60 or adultery, spirituality.  This is what my mother, as an angel, is able to do away with the wide-ranging impact of my worldly affairs, my internet posts.  The forward reversal between middle-aged men’s “Gotting” and “Absence” makes “Being,” Gotting, which has more scope, by slowly turning the wheel of des...

Absence and Gots

 52. There are a small number, let alone one “Not” for each region, or in the time of the universe, there are guys who are now voluntarily changing for the future.  They can change lives, their bodies and their feelings.  And the people of the world are the Goths.  All of these people are the ones who cannot change their lives, their bodies and their feelings, who do not change voluntarily or voluntarily from now on for the rest of their lives.  ("Non-s") or volunteers have auxiliary gangs that they do not manage.  The ‘existing’, the ‘Gots’, have individuals from the population scale.  These are the ways in which every human being can increase his strength and steadfastness in "Being," "Gotting," and "Gots" by replacing "Being," "Goths," with other "Beings," "Gots."  The "Goths" realize that the "Goths" are "None" in relative time, separated from the general world or cosmic ti...

To accumulate benefits for peaceful benefit

 Tomorrow 52. 5 that is, the angels (souls) of the gods, 2 that are men.  The relativity of the day is the sum of these numbers 7 - humanity and humanity.  If the 5th is the origin of its own vital truth, then the 2nd is the first vital truth that takes precedence over the two choices, the two choices that can be considered from the 5th.  7 is the second true form of the possessor.  My life as a 6 is a 2 or ambiguous reality.  I look at the number 2, the ambiguous truth, or the numbers 2 and 7, which are propagated by the number 6, or by myself, as the number 5, through the core unit of truth.  Tomorrow, as an angel, I will consider how humanity (2) and the lives of humanity and humanity (7) relate to how they live.  Here, humanity is the heroes and humanity is the ancestors.  As a result, 6 are my feelings or gods, 5 are my or my body's functions, and 2 and 7 are our way of life.  Every new day in this way, we all suppress and extinguis...

Angels, youth and prophet myself

 51. Today 5 is an angel of the gods, 1 is a youth of 20 years in humanity.  The relativity of our day is 6 i.e. the prophet myself.  It is on this day that I take the lead in the contest between the angelic dominance and the ironic youthful truth in him.  This is when the focus is on religion.  The “benefit” is that it takes into account the long future and the past of the inversions and contradictions of life.  Speaking for myself, I tried to enjoy myself as much as I could without going to work.  Now this person is harassing me as a blogger and not allowing me to take the time to write.  Or when I was involved in the formation of my life, others other than myself in my time forced me not to do the same things with myself, wanting me to do the things I did not do in my life at that time.  But in fact, on the contrary, others tried to force me to do it.  They thought it was right to remind me of my work, which I had neglected at all, al...

The day of angels

These words were written on March 25, 2021, when my expression of the days was 50.  5 i.e. angel, things, 0 i.e. all number holders, account holders.  The angel is the irony, the leader, or the leader of this day.  5 or angel is the relativity of this day.  They are a line symbol of things, stars, snow and flowers.  One line includes motorcycles, buses and helicopters, asphalt roads, highways.  The cat, the sky and the Kirank, the rope or the katim, the universe is also an angel.  Since the angel is not considered to be non-existent, the being recognizes him in so many examples.  The angel, on the other hand, hangs in Uzbek like the Uzbek sky, in English like the sky, in English.  They first destroy the existence of man over time, and then they destroy this work of destruction as well.  The worlds or universes, in which the lifespans are, consist of chains that are pushed forward in a single line.  The modern human world is the last...

"Gots", "Stock", "Gotting" all pre-made

 49. The body and its section, life, are considered Gots (Being), Stock (Being), Gotting (Being), respectively.  The senses of the body are the same as the Gots (3), but in order to use themselves and the Gots, the part that comes out of them is inverted in a line and tries to bow to them.  The sensation of a linear cross-section of the body, a cross-section (5), is like that of the Stock, along with that Stock.  Like the Gots, it is known in advance.  However, the linear section of the senses expresses the system of damage in the polygon of the senses, along the continuation of the part that protrudes from them, towards the infinity or absence.  The harm of these senses is considered to be the inhabitants of the next worldly form of life, and the benefit of the senses is the existence, nature or life of these inhabitants.  My body and perceptions of the body, as well as the linear section of the body and the pervasive sensations of the body, are, in c...

Grandparents and guys

 48. Every day, at 6pm, or 1 in 4 of that day, I make my prediction for the next day.  As I write this, the clock is showing 5:02 in the evening, and a 2-minute second truth argument shows that we have taken a real step toward 6 p.m.  Tomorrow 49. The relativity of the day, the sum of 4 and 9, is 13.  The 1st ones are the guys, the 3rd ones are the grandfathers because they are in a relationship with the 1st one.  The guys are real, not Sanskrit, but talkative.  3rd grandparents are Sanskrit, logicians, or skin-touch sensors.  The three are the ancestors, the movement, the weight behind the appearance of being, hence.  They control the second half of the number 3, worshiping God and human nature.  Ancestors, by their very existence, or by their bodily actions, through their minds, behave in harmony or try not to be separated from their bodies.  Here I have told you openly about death and how the process goes, without finding or benefitin...

Relationships between God and me

48. I am peaceful for God. If I give God a standard, I expect the same from him. God is a prophet, and I am a prophet. I do not turn Allah against myself and take it. He is considered the owner, the first, as a folly of prophecies. It is located in the second upper half of the 3rd number. And I am a true prophet or a number 6 twice as big as Allah. The duality of each view in itself, or the truth of it, and its derivation of the two, are described as the true structure of the former. At the same time, the second interacts inversely parallel to the first, as a vector collinear. The latter is completely true and inverted in the cut, and sticks to the first. All of this adheres to the spirit of the truth that follows. If I love Allah, we will acknowledge our unity, and I will try not to oppose myself, as I am a servant of Him. If I am in the presence of Allah, Allah will swallow me. It is only necessary for me to make an equation with God by answering the questions of God, and to be guide...

Erroneous precision against Gotting

 48. It is all for us, for humanity.  The hardships of life can be no situation other than our own.  Whatever our life, we may have created it ourselves.  If the tortures of life come to us now by chance, we will immediately become one and the same.  Then we pass on pain, discomfort, torture to another life or another situation in life.  Look, this is itself, in fact, waiting to be pre-arranged with such Gotting.  It is only in youth that mistakes can confuse a person with a small amount of torture, but in old age it is a Being.  In masculinity, or between the ancestry and the youthfulness, the presence and absence of interference and addition, the erroneous precision decreases to a predominance of half of that middle, and Gotting, from the middle or the 40s, overtakes.  Patience in youth and contentment in old age are tested.  

Guys and males

 English Tomorrow 48. 4 this is the spirit, 8 that is, the spirit and the angels.  The combination of these numbers, 12, should mean the guys (1) and the boys (2) as the relativity of the day.  Guys are beings, males are his appearance.  Guys are under 20 years old, males are from 20 to 60 years old.  On this day, we meet a lot of guys and men.  1st is the sense of hearing, 2nd is the sense of sight.  From the appearance of being to the senses of sight and hearing, I go to it again.  The population, on the other hand, is re-guided after the transition from the senses of sight and hearing to the appearance of being.  

Angels' denying

 English 47. The relativity is 11.  The reverse of 1 is considered an angel in the absence.  Therefore, one of the two 1s represents the angel as the opposite of the other.  The angel with backward accelaration tries to destroy the wheel of destiny, the human norm.  The reversing circle has such a decreasing acceleration that it overlaps as the norm moves forward.  It's as if the car's wheels are turning backwards and then moving forward.  

Finding appropriate sentences

English 47. ​​What is gotting and how is it formed?  Just as Gotting leaves human life in the past, so the future becomes the past, and the future takes into account the lives of all, nature, as it is known in advance.  The rate of change of each person and his life like a matrix is ​​taken into account by secular life and the whole population in periods of velocity squared (c ^ 2) and average (mass).  If the rate of change is, in itself, the interval between man and life, then the maximum acceleration in itself is 2c, and the constant, the product of mass, is a law that is taken into account by all of us and by the universe.  The product or formation of MC ^ 2 is 2mc + m + C, a condition that predicts Gotting.  According to the first 2mc + m prediction, it is possible to find the appropriate sentences, and C is that these conversations do not affect the opened foil.  

46. ​​Today 4 is the spirit, 6 is myself or the past of the future, Gotting

English     46. ​​Today 4 is the spirit, 6 is myself or the past of the future, Gotting.  Today's relativity is the sum of these numbers 10 (ten in Uzbek), which is a correction or ascension, or a correction in Uzbek.  All the aspirations of this period are taken into account in the standings, after all the owners of the number 10 have reached the point where they have tested their patience.  Gotting is the past or the foreknowledge of the future of the lives of people all over the world.  The foreknowledge of the bodily movements of each of the inhabitants, or the past of the future, is Goth.  For example, my ability to make money in the future from my site is clear and limited, Gotting or Got.  That is why there is no focus on money.  Let’s add the human Goth in Gotting as well.  On the 10th day, all strata and groups of the world’s population are better acquainted with the Gotting, and on the upper and lower separate soft surfaces of ...

45. Today is a rainy day on our side

  45. Today is a rainy day on our side.  Rain is for girls under the age of 20, or thought.  Thought is a set of thoughts (fikrlar) or thoughts, vertical rain lines, which are inverted to each of the lines.  If there is, it is young guys, or the ability to speak real.  An entity has the ability to speak realistically by appearance or surface.  Those who explain in words that this is after the Being are you and the Being, or in the tongues you know, who are able to speak containing a wide world, from thought to thought.  In fact, while the secular languages ​​still exist are still alive, those who can speak them speak them in Sanskrit or in a dead language, without deviating from the commands that lead to it in Existence.  On a rainy day, all the people go into a house full of walls and rocks, it's a boy.  My difference from your Sanskrits is that I can explain that the Sanskrit conversation is going in parallel to these, from now on, in the p...

Tomorrow 45

  Tomorrow 45. 4 is the spirit, 5 is the angel, and the relativity of tomorrow is the sum of these numbers, 9, that is, young boys and girls.  Relativity is an irony, in contrast to the paradox, in the parallelism of the lines of truth and falsehood, the superiority of truth over falsehood.  This point is the point of prophecy.

I am a prophet

    I am a prophet.  I am the 6th or 6th digit sign.  I used to live in 1, 2 and 3 instead of 6, handing over my place, 6 to humanity.  Now I’m stepping over 3 to get to my place, 6, or my intuitive life.  But because my direction must be clear, I will go from 6 to 3, to the direction of me, with the corridor that marks me, and I will try not to get out of this corridor by interpreting the next period as if it were on a wire. Uzbek word "vaqt", which means time in english, has "qt" part that means solid and "va" part that means humanity as connection. Mankind lives in parallel at different times or in different times, and is considered to be unable to follow in its footsteps.  I am a fortune-teller who foretells every human being, through their ignorance, blindly, through their senses or consciousness, which point of their Being has come to its place.
 Hi all.